We are Fran, Andy and Pippa (the dog).
Fran is a retired teacher from a special needs school.
Andy is a former head of IT at an education trust.
And Pippa is our small brown and white dog that is scared of nearly everything (except cheese!)
We got sick of being busy all the time and wanted a slower pace of life. The increasing cost of living in the UK was also a catalyst, as was wanting to be able to spend more time together and just generally enjoy life.
We have had a holiday home in the Murcia region of Spain for ten years, so already knew the area we were thinking of moving to.
There is no magic formula, we did not have a lottery win, or bought Apple shares in 1994. Just a realisation that the cost of living is so much less in Spain, and with the equity in our home in the UK we could sell up and stop working.
It has not all been plain sailing, but we are still learning and still adding to this blog.
We hope you enjoy reading it!